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Direct Mail Copywriting Costs

The cost of a direct mail campaign can vary based on design, marketing copy, mailing lists, printing, and postage. Some organizations handle all of the designing and copywriting in-house to reduce costs, while others use a combination of agencies and vendors for each step. This article outlines some of the key variables that determine how much your direct mail campaign will cost, so you can make informed decisions about which elements to include or eliminate in your next campaign.

Whether your direct mail piece is a brochure, catalog, booklet, or plain letter, the marketing copy must communicate your message clearly and persuasively to be effective. This is why it's important to hire a skilled writer to create your content. While some writers are more expensive than others, they're usually worth their rate as they deliver a high return on investment for their clients.

It also helps to have a clear call to action on your direct mail pieces. A compelling call to action encourages recipients to take the desired action and makes it easy for them to do so. It should be brief, simple, and clear. Avoid using too many adjectives, as they can detract from the message and make your copy seem unprofessional.

The format you choose for your direct mail piece also affects your overall cost. For example, a postcard can communicate a simple idea with less expense than a multiple-page letter. In addition, the number of pieces printed can lower costs per piece. The reason is that print shops have fixed costs for materials, equipment, and staff and these fees are spread out across a larger batch of pieces.



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