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Address Verification Software - What Is CASS Certification and How Does Address Verification Help?

In the United States, there are 148 million homes and 13 million business addresses that need to be delivered each day. USPS delivery staff is on the road constantly and has to be able to find all of those addresses quickly. The USPS relies on CASS certified software to ensure that they are doing just that.

CASS stands for Coding Accuracy Support System and it is the standard that all address verification software must follow. The USPS offers a free program that allows hardware and software developers, service bureaus, and mailers to verify their address-matching software against the standard. Software that passes this test is given a certification number by the USPS and must be used for all mailings that require a delivery point barcode.

The benefits of using CASS certified software are many. From the perspective of a company, they will have improved data quality, reduced postage costs and better delivery rates. CASS certified software will also allow the company to receive discounts for bulk mailings.

From the perspective of the customer, they will get their delivery promptly and accurately. Misdeliveries can be frustrating for customers, and using CASS certified software helps to reduce them.

In addition to ensuring that the correct street address is being provided, CASS certified software will also validate the spelling of the name and will check to make sure that the address is current. The software will also reference the LACS Link database for each address to confirm that it is valid and updated.



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